Scapolite - This Gemstone has not been very well-known. However, it is enticing for Jeweler Lovers and mineral collectors as it displays unique Optical reflectance Effects such as Fluorescence and Chatoyancy.
As soon as it was discovered, its Characteristics also started seeing the light of the day. From the Findings, it is ubiquitously known that this Gemstone’s Tetragonal Crystals are reminiscent of prisms, and happen to be massive and coarse.
It is also not easy to Distinguish between two Crystals as they differ slightly in density and refraction indexes. The Luminescence of the Gemstone is also attractive. Some can even speculate that this Gemstone has an iridescent effect in which the beholder is able to see a plethora of colors from different Angles of the Gemstone. The apt epithet for this kind of Gemstone is ‘Rainbow Scapolite’.
Genealogically speaking, Scapolite is part of a Mineral group that contains Marialite and Meionite. Their chemical composition changes when the quantity of Calcium and Sodium changes in them.
If the question of the extent of the Natural Nature of the Gemstone is raised, it can be answered by asserting that for research and experiment purposes, these Gemstones have been constantly under the care of Scientists so that they can Synthesize them from scratch in their labs.