Thursday, April 1, 2021

My Healing Powers – Chocolate Moonstone

 Chocolate Moonstone helps in adjusting to the ordinary Rhythms of the biological powers of one’s body and to use natural vitality Cycles.

It Effectively influences the female reproductive system, improves fertility and encourages ease in pregnancy and labor, eases menstrual Problems and change-of-life, balances the hormonal framework and dispenses fluid retention.

The Moonstone can act as a development Stone for children and Adolescents and has been thought to slow the Degeneration of the old.

It may also reduce Degenerative states of the skin, hair, eyes, and the plump organs of the body. It helps treat sleep Deprivation and Creates beneficial dreams.

Chocolate Moonstone has long been popular for its Calming, soothing qualities on the body. Its energy is adjusting and Healing, aiding the dominance of emotions by bringing them highly influenced by Higher Will, rather than expressing or subduing them.

To women, Chocolate Moonstone uncovers their feminine Power and capacities of perceptiveness and gives rise to the kundalini energy.

This Moonstone assists men with getting more in-tune with the Feminine aspects of their temperament and invigorates the right side of the mind, empowering nonlinear Reasoning and emotional balance.

Moonstones can be placed at the focal point of the jawline (The Moon Center) to create the balance.

When the Crown Chakra is in balance, our energies are in balance. We are unruffled by difficulties, realizing they are a basic part of Life.

Chocolate Moonstone purifies and eliminates pessimism from all the Chakras, and gives supplemental energy and support in adjusting the Physical, Emotional, and scholarly bodies. It provides spiritual sustenance and sustenance to help one through all changes. It is also a valuable device in radionics analysis and treatment to help pinpoint issues.

Always sacred in India, Chocolate Moonstone was the Stone of the divine beings and goddesses, of hope and otherworldly virtue through Denial of the conscience.

The Moonstone opens the psyche to trusting and wishing, motivation and drive, serendipity and synchronicity. It brings flashes of knowledge, keeping one from negatively banishing outcomes. However, it provides Natural recognition and permits one to assimilate what is required from the universe and not Necessarily what is needed.

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