Friday, September 4, 2020

Scapolite - Every Gem HAs Its Story!



Welcome to the World of Scapolite –

At first glance, Scapolite will not look all that Impressive or Interesting. This is due to its Opaque Appearance. After several renditions, however, Gemstone dealers can make Scapolite look Beautiful by making it more transparent and colorful.

The colors in which it may be available are orange, pink, brown, etc. Scapolite is also available as a colorless Gemstone. This Gemstone’s popularity has not Gained enough momentum because of its relatively low hardness. It could also be due to the fact that the Central colors of this mineral are only Yellow and Purple.

The Gemstone may exist in pastel colors as well but it is only Seldom that it is cut into the same colored Gemstones. Purple Scapolite is mined in regions of Africa such as Tanzania where its trade name happens to be ‘Petschite’. Various forms of this Gemstone such as Marialite, Meionite and Wernerite hail from India, China and Canada.

As far as etymology is concerned, Scapolite comes from the Greek word ‘Scapos’ which translates to ‘Shaft’ and ‘Lithos’ which means Stone in English.

With a hunch in mind, it can be stated that this is because of the stick-like Nature of the Gemstone’s Crystals. They are rod-like, almost.


Let me Tell you about morigin!

scapoliteThis Gemstone has not been very well-known. However, it is enticing for Jeweler Lovers and mineral collectors as it displays unique Optical reflectance Effects such as Fluorescence and Chatoyancy.

As soon as it was discovered, its Characteristics also started seeing the light of the day. From the Findings, it is ubiquitously known that this Gemstone’s Tetragonal Crystals are reminiscent of prisms, and happen to be massive and coarse.

It is also not easy to Distinguish between two Crystals as they differ slightly in density and refraction indexes. The Luminescence of the Gemstone is also attractive. Some can even speculate that this Gemstone has an iridescent effect in which the beholder is able to see a plethora of colors from different Angles of the Gemstone. The apt epithet for this kind of Gemstone is ‘Rainbow Scapolite’.

Genealogically speaking, Scapolite is part of a Mineral group that contains Marialite and Meionite. Their chemical composition changes when the quantity of Calcium and Sodium changes in them.

If the question of the extent of the Natural Nature of the Gemstone is raised, it can be answered by asserting that for research and experiment purposes, these Gemstones have been constantly under the care of Scientists so that they can Synthesize them from scratch in their labs.


My Quality and Value –

It would be imperative to mention that Scapolite may look unexciting but when polished extensively, it can have an enamoring cat eye’s Effect. This is because it has dense, parallel fibers for Inclusions and this Type of Effect is only Achievable with the transparent kind of Stones.

Therefore, if the Gemstone maker does his job right, then the value of Scapolite becomes invaluable. Of course, an aspect of the Gemstone that cannot be forgotten is that its wear-ability on any given Gem index is quite poor.

Scapolite also happens to give Gemstones collectors their fair share of pride. People have a hobby to collect this highly rare Gemstone, that too in colors such as Yellow and Purple. However, the Opaque Yellow and Fluorescent version of Scapolite is more often sculpted into a Gemstone.

However, what should still be kept in mind is that even Amethyst Beats Purple Scapolite when it comes to hardness, so customers should know what they are getting themselves into when buying a Gemstone such as Scapolite.

It’s no surprise that to reach a Certain Color, Scapolite may have to undergo either enhancement or radiation. For example, a Yellow or colorless Scapolite may receive treatment to become brownish-purple. This is Futile as the desired color fades away quickly.

While wearing Scapolite as a Ring Stone is not enthusiastically Suggested, it would Look Gorgeous as Pendants or Earrings. They would have to be taken care of properly by using only a soft brush, a light detergent and lukewarm water.

This precaution must be taken as Scapolite has a hardness from somewhere between 5.5 to 6.


I am a Healer!

This Gemstone does not seem to have many Healing Properties as the chances of individuals turning it into jewelry are usually unheard of. This is because of its low degree of hardness and its lack of availability in City Centers and other urban Settings.

No matter what, the most requested shades for Scapolite are Violet and Blue. This is because value increases when the colors darken. These colors may be almost impossible for many people to get their hands on. However, those who do will always lay claim over Wonderful, Extravagant and limited-edition Gemstones.

Scapolite can also be yielded into Different shapes such as Oval, Rectangular and Square. While This Gemstone may not have many Tangible Healing Properties, it can have a positive effect on the owner’s or collector’s self-esteem.

Shop Scapolite Stone Here!

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