Monday, September 14, 2020

Crystal and Stones for Prosperity


Crystal and Stones for Prosperity

Crystal and Stones for Prosperity

Precious gemstones are often regarded as beauty with brains. These stones not only carry immense beauty which makes everyone gets attracted to them but also, has many beneficial abilities. Gemstones can turn your life upside down in terms of career, relationship and personal life, in a positive way of course – Crystal and Stones for Prosperity

Crystal and Stones for ProsperityIt is often observed that many times when people are met with a big hurdle in life that is weighing them down from any or every aspect of life, they turn towards gemstones in search of help.

In ancient times, gemstones were used by people of all stature, from priests and monks to kings and knights. With such magnificent crystals, these people of mighty powers achieved great prosperity.

Different stones have different powers. Some stones are for love, they grow the seeds of love everywhere in your personal life while some stones have the powers to remove bad eye and unwanted negative energies surrounding your soul.

There are stones that attract prosperity and abundance. Bringing these stones in your life will lead you on to the road of success in your professional life.

Here is a list of stones that you can buy to bring success, prosperity and abundance in your life.


Crystal and Stones for Prosperity –


  1. Green Jade

Crystal and Stones for ProsperityGreen Jade is a crystal which is of green color and hence, its name. This stone is found in various parts of the world, Mexico, Russia, Guatemala, Myanmar, USA, China is the chief mining locations of green jade.

This is a crystal of heart chakra. Wearing this crystal near your heart can dissolve all the feelings of incompetence and unworthiness that is inside your body. It will cleanse your heart from disbelief in yourself and lack of motivation and courage. It encourages focus on your financial goals and helps you stay working to achieve it.

Green jade is popular as a stone for luck. It is believed that green jade leads you on a path of long term success and prosperity instead of bringing an instant money boost. There are many different ways you can use green jade to enjoy full benefits. The best way is to use a green jade in the shape of an elephant with its trunk raised.  Green jade has been given the title of being ‘The lucky charm’ and the ‘Sovereign of harmony’ – Crystal and Stones for Prosperity


  1. Tiger’s eye

Crystal and Stones for ProsperityThis is a gemstone with several financial benefits. It carries an appealing physical appearance and therefore gives you overall benefits of beauty and prosperity.

Tiger’s eye is called so because its outer appearance resembles that of a tiger. It has multi shades of yellow-brown and orange. This precious gemstone is a crystal of solar plexus chakra and the root chakra.

If you are starting a new career then buy this stone for attracting success and luck during the starting years. Its all-knowing powers can make your dreams your reality.

Tiger’s eye possesses the combined powers of solar and earth energy which helps you to stay calm and keep your senses during high financial profits. This stone will remove greed from your heart which may come when you are surrounded by abundance and money – Crystal and Stones for Prosperity

When combined with other prosperity attracting crystals it behaves as a talisman for luck and good fortune. Mexico, USA, South Africa, Australia, India, Brazil are some of the country’s leading in the high-quality production of tiger’s eye crystal.

It is often referred to as the ‘Stone of Mind’. Keeping a piece of Tiger’s eye in your pocket during important deals and meetings is the best way to make full use of this stone and derive maximum prosperity.


  1. Peridot

Crystal and Stones for ProsperityPeridot is a light green colored transparent shiny crystal. It is a chakra of heart and solar plexus and therefore possesses several charming energies – Crystal and Stones for Prosperity

Brazil, USA, Egypt, Russia, Ireland, Sri Lank, Canary Islands are the chief mining countries of Peridot. They contribute about 90% of the worlds Peridot production. Peridot is commonly famous as the study stone.

The peridot’s light positive energy helps you in getting your desired outcome regarding any field. But if you are wishing for prosperity and abundance then its energy is the maximum in this context.

It eliminates the feeling of being not good enough or not worthy of prosperity. It is said you attract better when you feel better.


  1. Malachite

Crystal and Stones for ProsperityMalachite is a stone of transformation. Malachite is a beautiful deep green colored crystal. It is found in various countries like Romania, Zambia, Russia, Germany, the Middle East are some of the largest mining areas of this gemstone – Crystal and Stones for Prosperity

This stone with bewitching beauty will protect you from misfortune and failure. It will help you in avoiding big losses by making your vision clearer, leading you to make correct business choices.

It is a popular belief that if you place a malachite stone between some money notes, it will help you in resolving money-related issues.

In ancient times, malachite was called the stone of merchants. Many big merchants used to keep a piece of malachite with them to attract prosperity.

Placing is malachite near money is the best way to use it. Keep it in your purse or in your locker where you keep all your money – Crystal and Stones for Prosperity


  1. Amazonite

Amazonite is one of the commonly sought after crystals for prosperity.  It is of a gorgeous turquoise green color and is a crystal of heart and throat chakra.

This amazing crystal instills a devoted and well-managed work ethic in your lifestyle. It also helps you by alienating the lousiness and habit of procrastination and makes you strive for your financial dream goals.

Amazonite is a crystal of leadership. It will build your confidence and reinforce the leadership qualities while also maintaining your calm and cool. Brazil, Russia, India, USA, Madagascar are the most popular countries mining high-quality Amazonite in bulk.  Wearing Amazonite near your heart or around your neck is the most beneficial way to use this precious gemstone.

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