Thursday, January 7, 2021

Chocolate Moonstone - Know my Origin!

 Moonstone deposits occur in Armenia (majorly from Lake Sevan), Australia, the Austrian Alps, Mexico, Myanmar, Madagascar, Norway, Sri Lanka, Poland, India, and the United States.

The most famous Moonstone is of the Orthoclase Feldspar Mineral Adularia, named for an early mining site close to Mt. Adular in Switzerland, presently the town of St. Gotthard.

A strong solution of the Plagioclase Feldspar Oligoclase the Potassium Feldspar Orthoclase also creates Moonstone specimens – Chocolate Moonstone

Selenite - Know my Story!

 Selenite is commonly found Sulphate mineral with its deposit all around the Globe. It is formed as evaporative mineral usually found in alkaline lake mud and clay beds. Brazil and Morocco are the chief producers of Selenite. Algeria, Angola and Argentina rank second in mining Selenite. In Australia, New South Wales and South Australia are the Chief producers of Selenite. Europe is also Considered as one of the large deposit of Selenite. This Gem Stone is mined in several parts of the Europe including Austria, Belgium and Bolivia.

The Green color Selenite is a rare form of this mineral and is found mainly in Australia. These are very Fragile and usually Occur as Clusters.

Sugilite - Know my Story!

 Sugilite is a rare Gem Stone. It is named after a famous Japanese petrologist, ken-ichi Sugi. He was the first person to discover this Gemstone back in 1944 in Iwagi, Japan. A significant amount of Gem-Quality material occurs in poly-crystalline aggregate form in Bedded manganese deposits at the Vessels Mine in South Africa.

Small amounts of rare Pink Crystals have been found in Madhya Pradesh, India. Other deposits have recently been found in Australia (New South Wales), Tajikistan, Italy and Canada (Quebec).

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Watermelon Tourmaline - Let me Tell you about my Origin!

 Watermelon Tourmaline is a type of Tourmaline Gem Stone with Multi colored appearance. This Gem Stone has a rare occurrence and is found in limited parts of the World.

Africa and Brazil are the chief regions rich with Watermelon Tourmaline deposit. Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan are other Countries mining Watermelon Tourmaline and exporting them in Various forms of Jewelries and Shapes.

Some other countries producing Watermelon Tourmaline include Africa, Afghanistan, Africa, Australia, Brazil, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Siberia, Tanzania, the USA, and Zimbabwe.

This Tourmaline is a powerful Gemstone with many benefits. In ancient times it was believed that this Stone brings prosperity and wealth. Many merchants and Dealers bought this Precious Beauty to help in their Business.

Black Tourmaline - Let’s Talk about my Origin!

 Black Tourmaline, also called as Schorl is the most common species of Tourmaline. Almost 95% of Tourmaline mined in various parts of the World is Schorl. The name Schorl is based on the name of a village in Germany. Near the village was a tin mine where Black Tourmaline was found in abundance, now the village is named Zschorlau.

It is a commonly found uncommon mineral and hence its Selling Price is lower than other uncommon minerals.

This Tourmaline is found in various parts of the World. Brazil and Africa are the Chief producers of Black Tourmaline; The Stone is mined in Large Quantities here. Sri Lanka, along with India is one of the Largest sellers of Black Tourmaline Gems. Tanzania, Nigeria, Madagascar, Namibia, Afghanistan, Mozambique are some other Countries rich in Black Tourmaline deposit.

Canada and United States of America are Chief mining areas of Black Tourmaline in the North American continent.

Black Obsidian - Let me Tell you my Origin!

 Black Obsidian is found in large parts of the Earth’s Crust. This Stone is usually concentrated in the areas of Geological volcanic activity.

Argentina, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Greece, New Zealand, Peru, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, United States have significant amount of Black Obsidian deposition. In the United States, This Precious Stone is deposited in Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico and other nearby regions. Most of the Black Obsidian used for making jewelries is mined and exported from the United States of America.

Obsidian, which is older than a few million years, have a rare occurrence because the Glassy rock is easily destroyed by weathering, heat or other geological processes.

Moldavite - Let me Tell you my Origin!

 Moldavite Gem Stone is an olive green colored Stone found near the Vltava River in the Czech Republic. The name Vltavine is, hence, derived from its place of origin. Commonly it is called as Moldavite and is said to be based on the German name of a Bohemian city Moldauthein where this Gemstone was mined in Bulk.

The largest deposit of Moldavite are found the near the Vltava river basin between Prachatice and Trhovými Sviny, especially to the south and west of České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Some deposits are also found near Moravia in the Central region of the River Jihlava.

Significant amount of deposit is found near Austria and its neighbouring areas as well. Germany is also one of the oldest deposition sites of this Stone.

The Enchanting Powers of Blue Lace Agate: A Stone of Serenity and Communication

  Welcome to the World of Blue Lace Agate Blue Lace Agate is an extraordinary stone that is becoming increasingly difficult to locate. Once ...