Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Multi Tourmaline - Know my Story!

Multi Tourmaline
-  Long back in 1700s, there were hardly 3to5 types of stones commonly who had a name, those who were not Ruby or Sapphire were known as “turamali” Sinhalese name for those stones who had mixed colors. It was originally found in Sri Lanka by Dutch people and then science grew and stones were given names as a variety of Gems were then begun to arise, therefore “turamali” became “TOURMALINE”.

Tourmaline is found throughout the world such as in US, Brazil, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Russia, Burma, and Mozambique.

Talking about its constituents, it is a boron silicate crystal mineral compound. It is rich in many other minerals such as aluminium and potassium.

How different Tourmaline is from others is this one fact that Tourmaline is distinguished by its three-sided prisms; no other common mineral has three sides.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Let me tell you My Origin - London Blue topaz

 It is found in various countries around the world. USA, Afghanistan, Australia, Myanmar, China, Germany, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Brazil are the chief producers of this Brilliant Blue Stone. Brazil is the heart of London Blue Topaz, producing the finest and the largest London Blue Topaz of top quality.

Topaz is as old as the roman and Greek era. In medieval times, it was mined in the mountains of Germany. Several rulers wore it as jewelry as it was a rare and prized stone.

Topaz mainly occurs in white color and Blue Topaz is a rarity. Hence, White Topaz is radiated to produce Blue Topaz which is also called Swiss Blue Topaz.

London Topaz is produced by exposure to radiation in a nuclear reactor. When Topaz is exposed to fast neutrons, the radiation changes the color centers, producing a deep blue color. Further heat treatment is often used to lighten the inky color.

From, as blue as an azure sky to as dark as ink, London Blue Topaz can be found in various shades. Due to being Dichroic, a tint of green color is often seen in this stone when moved in the light.

Majestic Origin – Lapis Lazuli

 Lapiz Lazuli – The wisdom keeper is a deep Blue Semi-Precious metamorphic rock prized for its antiquity, thanks to its intense color. The Stone you use now has been highly valued by the Indus Valley Civilization(3300-1900 BCE). Afghanistan is the country which holds the significant top-notch quality of the stone as a primary country where it is mined for centuries.

The name Lapiz Lazuli, which sounds intense just like its color, as well as fancy, comes from a Latin word Lapis “Stone” and the Persian lazhuward “blue.” With the mineral in multiple stacks as Lazurite, Calcite, Pyrite and Sodalite, the rocks of this stone were formed. In ancient times, King Tutankhamen’s golden sarcophagus was laid with Lapis as well as other burial ornaments of the Egyptian kings and queen. Well, the name is fancy and so as its use since 4000 BC.

The stone is not only found in Afghanistan but also in Canada, Pakistan, Chile, Siberia, and the US. A planetary stone for Capricon and libra’s zodiac stone. Another Majestical history of the stone is that it was the part of the Breastplate of Judgement of Aaron and when it was first introduced in Europe it was called as ultramarinum as beyond the sea. In the times where the art and style got a birth, aka, Renaissance Lapis was recommended to be used, and Buddhists marked the stone to be used to bring out inner peace and freedom from negative solicitude.

Larimar - Know My Story!

Sunlight in Caribbean sea appears to be dancing as dynamic as the stone also called as “Lorimar” a rare blue variety of Pectolite. Larimar Anonym, ‘Stefilia’s Stone” is a silicate ore of Pectolite discovered in Dominican republic. Though the tint varies from white, light-blue, green-blue to deep blue, but it is one of the rare blue stripe.

Larimar is the manifestation of the mild sea and comforting sky, which makes it a stone element of cardinal water. The stone enhances the level of comfort as it widens up the meditation and connection to the mystical feminine. Throat Chakra stone, Larimar an Atlantic stone is vibrant to soothe your communication. The goddess stone is found on the islands of Hispaniola but also other parts of the world as well including Canada and the USA.

Veins in the skin, making it look pretty just like that the stone is patterned with blue tint with white veins throughout giving it a divinely gorgeous look. This makes us say that the stone is actually named after a daughter named Larissa as the founder of the stone Miguel Mendez in 1974 crafted the name Lar from Larissa and Mar which means Sea in the local language hence, Larimar. 

Hessonite Garnet – Know My Story!

 A reddish-orange variety of Grossular Garnet as it also includes its green color founds majorly in metamorphic rocks. The main supplies of the stone come from St. Barbora Adit, Bohemia in the Czech Republic, Quebec in Canada, Germany, Italy, Central Russia, Brazil, the united states, Switzerland various locations around Siberia. Usually, the Gem can also be found in New Hemisphere, California, Maine, Massachusetts.

Stone showing the look and also called as cinnamon stone because of its color resemblance which in Hindi is called as “Gomed” means the Gem of Rahu.

Majorly, the stone is supplied from Sri Lanka, and India generally found in their placer deposits, but its occurrence in its mother cast is still unknown. Beauty with a strange origin. 

If we talk about its composition, i.e., what actually a Hessonite Garnet is? Then, its a mineral of calcium aluminium silicate as well as is orangish- brown in its occurrence, which makes the point relevant for been called cinnamon stone. Greek plays a vital role in giving names as the stone name comes from a Greek word esson means inferior as the stone’s density is low and so the hardness as contrasted to other Garnets.

To add to the fact that Latin’s must not be left acknowledged as the word garnet came from the Latin word “Granatum” or “Pomegranate” because of its intense red color.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Champagne Diamond


“Welcome to the World of Champagne Diamond”

Champagne DiamondChampagne Diamond is a moderate Diamond that is found in brown color. It is a segment of the natural brown Diamond group. Champagne Diamonds are formed with the brittle crystalline structure. These Diamonds are found in uncommon shapes. Champagne Diamonds are the inclusion of nitrogen that is entrapped in the Diamond’s frame during this creation. These Diamonds are quite rare in cutting because its cut shapes are very stiff.

These Diamonds are very beautiful. Champagne Diamonds can be found in some hues like in light brown color and dark brown colors. These are very unique and famed for their softness and brightness. Its color is quite impressive and has great recognition in the world. The yellow and brown hue of Champagne Diamonds is used to form precious jewelry that looks very amazing and fabulous. These colors are brought into use to make engagement rings that are very different and beautiful.


Know My Story!

Champagne DiamondChampagne Diamonds are mainly produced in Australia. These are derived from the mines and the one highly produced mine is Argyle mine which is located in Australia. Champagne Diamonds hues and cut properties are very vital forms to spread these Beauties and improve this commercially. These Diamonds are traded as chocolate Diamonds that are a very exclusive brand. These Diamonds appear like Champagne Color. The high carat weights of Champagne Diamonds are very highly valued.

Champagne Diamonds are quite rarer than white Diamonds and other than colorless Diamonds. It is more expensive as compared to others but these Diamonds are rarer than the fancy colored Diamonds but not so affordable. The rates and high sales of these Diamonds depend on its cut and hue, clarity and carat weight is more precious. Some fancy colored Diamonds are more expensive than Champagne Diamonds.  The carat weight enhances the value of this Diamond. The golden pelican is a Champagne Diamond that is 69.93-carat weights and its value is 3 million dollars.

Champagne DiamondChampagne Diamonds are derived at several places in the world. These are found in Australia, Africa, Siberia countries. The Australia country is the primary origin source of this Diamond from where the most different colored precious Diamonds are produced. The warmth and pressure both are engaged with the formation of this precious Diamond. These Diamonds have great lasting and hardness. The golden jubilee Champagne color is the very precious Diamond that has 545-carat weights and $5-12 million valued. These Diamonds carats weights are a greater thing to get this popularity.

Champagne Diamonds Genesis source is supposed the mines where the Champagne and fancy colored cushion Diamonds and low grades Diamonds as well derived. These Diamonds are scheduled according to the colors grades as C1 to C7 in which light, dark, medium and fancy intense to fancy vivid Diamonds. These Diamonds are also discovered in the Cullinan mine which is in South Africa. A great quality one-carat Champagne color cost is supposed to be $2000-$3000. These Diamonds have certain intensity grades that are light, fancy light, fancy, fancy deep, fancy dark.


My Use and Purity – Champagne Diamond

Champagne DiamondChampagne Colors are mostly used in expensive jewelry like necklaces and rings. These Diamonds’ unique hues make your personality different. These Diamonds are supposed to help you to fulfill your dreams and support you to innovate your ideas. These support you into your destiny. It is deemed that it brings up the interior calm and peace into your soul. If you are wearing this as a necklace and rings then it comes to bring a positive attitude in yourself.

This Diamond relegates the negative objects from your mind and allows a great positive thinking and positive energy to your body. Champagne Color is found very pure and clear. This purity is very famed for its hues and tone, saturation. Hues denote the visibility of the color and tone denotes the darkness of the color and saturation denotes the intensity of the color. This Diamond cutting is very hard and makes it valuable. These Diamonds clarity shows the purity of it.


I am a Healer!

Champagne DiamondChampagne Diamonds have certain good powers. It allows a good and stable mentality to your mind. It helps you get rid of the mental stress and keeps your mindset. These Diamonds have powers to keep control of your emotions and decrease emotional pain. These Diamonds are very marvelous that abate you with fear and offer positive energy to grow up accordingly. This Diamond has the power to keep you dynamic.

These Diamond offers a stylish and unique individuality to them who adopt this. They are a very good Gemstone to hold back the pressure. It improves your skills and grants the adventure. It helps to make easy every step of your life.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Tsavorite Garnet - Know My Story!


Tsavorite Garnet, a Gem in the Garnet group a grossular variety of calcium-aluminium Garnet. Back in 1967, Campbell R Bridges a British gem prospector and geologist made a discovery of green deposits in the mountain of north-east Tanzania and the deposit found was very rare, intense in color and highly transparent. Leading further, founder of Elton’s Mining Ltd. Peter Morgan, with his team, discovered the viable Gemstone quality in the area of Tsavo West National park which further leads to the naming of the deposit as Tsavorite.

Although the stone looks like an Emerald but more durable than it well, one of a rare and new Gemstone emerging in the market. This unique beauty has a home in barren lands which are infested with lions and jungle wildness of East-Africa and Kenya-Tanzania border.

Like you do have group names in real these stones also have a group name and Tsavorite has 6 named group species Grossular, Andradite, Pyrope, Uvarovite, Almandine and Spessartine. Though Grossular variety is orange/yellow/red, green is Tsavorite and brown is Hessonite. Having 2 primary deposits, one in Scorpion Mine in Taita, near the Tsavo National Park and the other one in Arusha Region, Tanzania.

The Enchanting Powers of Blue Lace Agate: A Stone of Serenity and Communication

  Welcome to the World of Blue Lace Agate Blue Lace Agate is an extraordinary stone that is becoming increasingly difficult to locate. Once ...