Pisces is considered a fish in all Myths and History. In Greek Mythology and in ancient times these Two Fish were named as an Aphrodite and Eros. They were both walking along the Euphrates River and talking with each other when Typhoon appeared around them - Birthstones for Pisces
They were scared and they though they are unable to run and decide to stay in one place, so they called upon Zeus for help and told them to escape from this great typhoon.
Zeus turned them into two fish because this is the only way to escape both of them from this tragedy and they Jumped in the River and escaped. Athena placed both fishing front of the stars and they both become stars and they became the constellation group named Pisces. According to Astrology and geek mythology Pisces is a Water Sign.
They were scared and they though they are unable to run and decide to stay in one place, so they called upon Zeus for help and told them to escape from this great typhoon.
Zeus turned them into two fish because this is the only way to escape both of them from this tragedy and they Jumped in the River and escaped. Athena placed both fishing front of the stars and they both become stars and they became the constellation group named Pisces. According to Astrology and geek mythology Pisces is a Water Sign.