Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Smoky Quartz – Every GEM has its Story!

Smoky Quartz – Every GEM has its Story!

 Lift your base towards the light and positivity of life though your issues can be Smoky much but all it takes Quartz to let those Smoky issues turn into clarity of let go.

Are you not just sitting in the darkroom, fluffing and pouting because we Smoky Quartz won’t let you do that as nature has a state of joy which you can let go in a cloud of smoke. Elevate yourself with us because mood does wants a pleasant swing instead of being rusted and dusted.

May might not be sustaining much, a coherent act to follow but then June talked and came to invent the lost grounding, and stabilizing, brought a Smoky feeling to let-go your trivial in the winds and floral dial back in life.

Rhodolite Garnet – Every GEM has its Story!

Rhodolite Garnet – Every GEM has its Story!

 It is the beginning, or we can say a renewal to your hefty life. Yes! A month of cold can warm you enough that your last cheeks will get Heal. On the road of your journey, a Rhodolite Garnet could be a light in your unlit sighs either you deny in it or you gotta raspberry it because resolutions won’t work until your spirits are not energized, either way, you gotta be a spirit to your Rhodolite Garnet.

Paint us about the soul who is not ripped from their past crisis, Show us that you don’t want to unleash your potential, tell us that you don’t want those emotional cliche wounds driving you in nights like they are for real and you see them in mannequins while to head out. You wish it stopped, you wish it doesn’t bother you as shakiness can make survival instinct down because it’s you who can make your positive Rhodon umbrella. Hey! Rhodolite, more of a positive light than a gem, Let’s go! Power their pinkish hue textured spirits to let it go vital.

Red Garnet – Every GEM has its Story!

Red Garnet – Every GEM has its Story!

We heard that you got a lot of December temerity in your memories but its a month of reborn and renewal, Yes, It is January. You never know the month of snow can let you throw flowers that you promise to water, but it also carries the spirits of first spectrum color aka, clarifies and reveals to give out your blues and let you balance your fortune though said, Ruby could be fancy, but Red Garnet has Passion.

Tell us about the soul who doesn’t have no color, who is white, it shakes us, but the red umbrella is to be worn rather opening it. We wish we had it, We wish We elevated, as the shakiness can make survival instinct down. Things you like, you might get jealous, might have a rage for it, later it will shake you. There shall be no way to get vitality. Hey! Red Garnet power the person with spirits, let’s go!

Stone is a very stone when it has a great significance towards its origin… 

Iolite – Every GEM has its Story!

Iolite – Every GEM has its Story!

Fight your antagonists in the field says, Vikings because you cant burn your place, when life will give you challenges you have to justify your glory, fearing will knock you out one day, you are a Viking in your life, and your weapon is Iolite indeed.

Like a mysterious, bracing winter, there was a shade of violet-blue spiritualist in the journey of dreams and hunch called as Viking’s compass to get the vision of moving from one realm to the another, Iolite Gemstone it is to traverse your spirits.

The stone is magical and so the month is because December says, Hey! Iolite I am your birthstone, and let’s transmit light creatively when viewed from diverse directions because Pleochroism is what we are.

When Leif Erikson and the other legendary Viking colonists staked far out of Atlantic ocean and to help them to ascertain the position they had a latent weapon: Iolite and that where it steered us to its inception…

Citrine – Every GEM has its Story!

Citrine – Every GEM has its Story!

 The Chakras shed like the Citrine’s natural autumn hue! As the November came as cold as iced iron, with hard rimes every morning, bestowing with the Citrine for the good fortune.

The divine power of the sun is said to hold the energy to defeat any negative vitality so as the Citrine a glassy crystal variety of quartz will stimulate your ability to control and subdue the negative aspects in life.

Once in the cycle of calendar, It was an illusive dim day when November was facing an ample negative set back emotionally and mentally.

There was no one to take a stride forward in this month as the October annihilated itself in a rush of

wailing winds and driving rain and… December was way too cold to come up …

November is supposed to have those last red berries and white snow, but its Chakras were not certain about those accumulated negative vibes.

But then,

The sun shined in favor of the Red Berries month as Romans with all their balanced vibes and with the discovery of a rare Gemstone as powerful as sun’s energy named “Citrine” which drove in the November as an outstanding Gemstone for transforming negative drive in positive.

And that’s how Citrine made it possible for the November to sustain and give it birth. #EveryGemHasItsStory

Well, Let’s…

Amethyst – Every GEM has its Story!

Amethyst – Every GEM has its Story!

 “When you are a stone in the kingdom of the mineral and the Healer to the life crystal, You are Amethyst

You call it a month filled with love, hope or a dark brupped month ever created but the Amethyst is the Healer to it and make it’s days a positive choice in life.

Amethyst is the love controller, money controller because it’s not you who have little, but it is you who craves for more, it might take you wherever you want, but won’t replace you as a driver. Sometimes the shortest routes and months feel long, but the Amethyst is the guide to your innocent journey like a violet.

A Gemstone that represents Saturn and also called a “Jamunia” which is also a symbol of “Justice” and “Humanity”, Yes, Amethyst is the name of this Semi-Precious Stone.

Peridot – Every GEM has its Story!

Peridot – Every GEM has its Story!

 “Cast all your anxieties, fear on him because he cares for you,” says, The Holy Bible which gave the birth to this Olivine nature stone named – Peridot.

It is being said that –

“Old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Just like all your terrors will get dispelled when this Charismatic stone will be used as protection against evil spirits.

Woh! Its energy will even chase them.

Ohh! Yeah, this Gemstone was the second stone used to refer God created to decorate Lucifer.

Call it a month of high soaring hawks, but it does draws sharp focus but will positively flash away your agony because August is geared up Peridot Gemstone, a divine stone to give you the strength to go with.

Peridot – I got your back August and of your people.

August – Sighs… People – Buys…Peridot Gemstone!

The Enchanting Powers of Blue Lace Agate: A Stone of Serenity and Communication

  Welcome to the World of Blue Lace Agate Blue Lace Agate is an extraordinary stone that is becoming increasingly difficult to locate. Once ...